<<Thanks to the local government of Guangzhou implements policies rapidly and carries out pattern innovation,the rental housing market in Guangzhou has developed comparatively maturely,and it set also a good example for other cities. In the present,the leasing population in Guangzhou is approaching 40%,compare to Shanghai the rent gap between different districts in Guangzhou is smaller,the unit average rent in Guangzhou is RMB 53.01 per sq m,the rent in the downtown area is RMB 55.28 per sq m,and the rent in the outlying suburban areas is RMB 34.26 per sq m. In the future,the renters in Guangzhou will moving from the city center to outskirts,and the shared accommodation will become more popular. As a representative of new brand Long-stay residence in Gaugnzhou,Youplus offers not only more housing resource,but also diversified options for customers,