<<In 2017,the world economy increased significantly,the labor market continued to improve,the global price level has risen gently,the price of commodities rose and the growth of international trade increased. At the same time,the growth of Foreign direct investment was slow,the global debt continued to accumulate,and the financial market bubbled.The global economy is expected to continue to recover in 2018,but the foundation for economic growth is not stable and faces many challenges. As a result of low oil price and regional conflict,the economy of the Middle East region in 2017 has been sharply slowdown,especially the economic weakness of the oil exporters,which is greatly lower than the economic growth in 2016,while the economy of the oil importing countries is growing steadily.2018-2019,the economic prospects of the Middle East countries will be modest because of the sustained global recovery,structural reform,the rising oil price and the geopolitical environment. But the factors such as low structural oil price,poor development effect and weakening investor confidence will still limit the accelerated development of the region's economy.