<<Mark Strand seems to be especially good at converting the ego to objects,observing at a distance off the world where the ego exists;thus obtaining a certain justness and objectivity while adopting a visual angle of a looker-on. Consequently he can dissever the ego from personality and therefore become the eyewitness of chronicle of events and scenery. Meanwhile,the subject falls into a recursive ego in paradox cycle rather than remains an ego of consolidation and abstraction. Such cancellation of self presence results in mechanical recursive cycle and brings language into a similar cycle of reference as well. In this case,ego and language are no longer referential and expressive but performative and self-identical. The ultimate cancellation of ego by no means resorts to death abstractively but restore the unification of the essence of everything in order to overcome the split and modernistic crisis in western civilization caused by thinking subject and object dualistic antinomy.
<<Keywords: | PostmodernismParadoxEgoNew Surrealism |