<<In Guangzhou,there are 1.37 million registered volunteers,more than 16,000 volunteer service teams and 2,000 NGOs participating in volunteering service,which have made great contributions to the social construction of Guangzhou. This artical presents the development results of volunteers in Guangzhou from the following aspects:the basic situation of volunteers,motivation,participation,behavior description and professionalism of volunteers. Guangzhou’s economic development has created a favorable environment for the promotion of volunteer activities. Volunteers in Guangzhou have a high enthusiasm for volunteering activities,and forms of volunteering activities have diversified characteristics. Participating in volunteering activities is not only beneficial to the volunteers’ self-satisfaction,but also conducive to building a harmonious society. However,at the same time,it should be recognized that the current feedback mechanism of volunteering activities is not perfect,and the professionalism and influence of voluntary organization should continue to improve. Therefore,the development of voluntary service in Guangzhou needs to pay more attention to safety and development environment of volunteers,provide more incentive policies,enhance professional skills of volunteers,and make the communication channels more diversified.