<<In recent years,the development of social security in Guangzhou has made great progress. The coverage of social insurance system has expanded rapidly. The number of people living in poverty in urban and rural areas was significantly reduced,and major breakthroughs were made in housing security. The balance of social security funds has steadily increased,and the social security system and mechanisms have been constantly improved. However,with the construction of social security system entering a tough period,the difficulty of social insurance system expansion is gradually increasing. Social security funds will be constantly under pressure,the social security system structure optimization,urban and rural planning,regional coordination and other issues are some of the challenges to development of the social security system. Development of the social security system in Guangzhou should further improve management of participation between targeted groups,and adjust social security benefits dynamically. Guangzhou will accelerate the establishment of supplementary pension insurance. At the same time,we explore the development path of Guangzhou characteristic in targeted poverty alleviation and housing guarantee.