<<Hubei Province is an enriched area of the Three Kingdoms culture. In recent years,a large number of funds have poured into the development of the Three Kingdoms culture and a number of large-scale projects have been launched one after another. These projects have a large scale of investment and radiate many levels of local economic construction. It plays an important role in promoting the development of the local economy. However,the supporting hardware construction,including transportation,is not perfect,the investment in the construction of the project content is far from enough in terms of capital and intelligence,and the top-level design of the project is lacking from the level of Hubei Province. These projects have not yet become an engine for local economic development. Under existing conditions,improving the operating conditions of the three-kingdom cultural industries as soon as possible,publicity is the key. Identifying the theme of the project,promoting and advertising it accurately,integrating local resources and promoting and advertising together are both urgent and practical.